Yesterday, I received an email from the firm handling publicity for my upcoming Chicken Soup for the Soul book. (You’ll notice how I call it my Chicken Soup for the Soul book even though my writing only takes up four pages. 🙂 )
I have to admit I never really thought about publicity much before. I know self-published authors have to do a ton of it on their own. And with publishing companies scaling back where they can, even traditionally published authors are finding themselves handling a lot of their own publicity.
In fact, I was just asked today to help out one of my fellow YA and ACFW authors (that would be “young adult” and “American Christian Fiction Writers” for those of you not in the know) if I would help her “reveal” the cover of her upcoming novel tomorrow. This is a form of publicity to create buzz before the big book release in October.
So naturally, I’ve been thinking a lot about publicity with regards to books lately.
If you’re an author, what forms of publicity do you think have been most successful for you?
If you’re a reader, what forms of publicity do you think have most influenced your book buying?
And don’t forget to check back tomorrow, when I’ll be revealing the absolutely gorgeous cover for Melanie Dickerson’s The Captive Maiden!