Category Archives: Uncategorized
Speak, Pray, Cook – Day 6 (Ecumenism and Italian Jokes)
My blog title today refers to two separate things. Not that Italians are joking about ecumenism! Before I get into the two topics in the title, a quick note about my Italian classes. Since classes change just about every week … Continue reading
Speak, Pray, Cook – Day 5 (Channeling Audrey Hepburn)
I did not realize at first that there are actually several Level 2 classes and books at the school. Another student pointed out the sequence of letters and numbers under the words “Livello 2” on our books. So we’ve been … Continue reading
Speak, Pray, Cook – Day 4 (A Bus, a Train, and Two Mary’s)
Although this is my third time in Rome, I’ve only taken public transportation once before in this city. It was back in 2001 when my younger brother, my friend and I came on a tour. We arrived fairly early in … Continue reading
Speak, Pray, Cook – Day 3 (A Rainy Start Leads to a Great Finish)
Jet lag seems to be getting worse with age. Even two years ago, when I traveled with a friend to the U.K., the jet lag didn’t seem so bad. However, my pilgrimage last April and this return trip to Rome … Continue reading
Speak, Pray, Cook – Day 2 (The First Day of School)
Monday, July 21, 2014 I got up at 6:30 this morning after only six hours of sleep. Then I had the fun adventure of trying to figure out how my landlady’s shower works. No major problems, thankfully, but I do … Continue reading
Speak, Pray, Cook – Day 1 (Benvenuti a Roma!)
Sunday, July 20, 2014 I arrived in Rome at 9:00 a.m., about a half hour ahead of schedule. Thankfully, my lucky luggage also arrived. I had arranged for a taxi ahead of time, so I wouldn’t have to worry about … Continue reading
Plan E, Or How I Ended up in Rome Twice in One Year
When I first came to Rome in 2001, I thought it would probably be my only trip here. I figured that in a few years I’d get married, have kids, and thus have no time for cross-Atlantic travel. So how … Continue reading
How Matt Maher Impacted My Upcoming YA Novel
Wednesday night I had the extreme pleasure of seeing Matt Maher in concert, and it got me thinking about how I first became a Matt Maher fan and how his music played a role in my upcoming YA novel, Angelhood. … Continue reading
The Story Behind the Headshot
As my writing career has progressed and I’ve watched more and more author buddies get their headshots taken, I’ve enjoyed hearing about how their headshots came to be. I always assumed most writers had their headshots taken by professional photographers … Continue reading
Big news!!!
Today I’m pleased to announce that I have signed a book contract with Vinspire Publishing! They will be publishing my debut young adult novel. I’ve dreamed of this day for so long that I think I’m still in shock that … Continue reading