Monday Book Review: The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau

Feeling dystopian withdrawal after The Hunger Games and Divergent series ended? Look now further than The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau.

The TestingTitle: The Testing

Author: Joelle Charbonneau

Genre: dystopia

Age group: young adult

Synopsis: Sixteen-year-old Cia Vale wants nothing more than to qualify for The Testing, a series of tests that allow only a chosen few to study at the University. Those who pass will study to be the leaders for the United Commonwealth. They must revitalize the planet after much of it was destroyed during the Seven Stages War. However, finding out she’s qualified for the Testing turns out to be not such great news. Cia’s father (who had also passed the Testing and studied at the University) reveals that being chosen for the Testing isn’t such a great honor after all. In fact, it’s the last thing he would have wished for his only daughter.

Fans of The Hunger Games and Divergent will really like this book. It’s the first in a trilogy. (The last book just came out so you can read right through them if you want.) Like the other two series, there is definitely some violence in the book, but the main character tries to live by the morals she was taught as a child. Cia isn’t interested in “taking out” her competition during the Testing, but other candidates aren’t as morally attuned. Like Katniss in The Hunger Games, we see Cia care for a fallen comrade. Ms. Charbonneau did a nice job making Cia a character we can empathize with as she struggles with making ethical choices.

In terms of plot, Ms. Charbonneau hits all the right notes for this dystopian. The tension is great. It’s not as full-on tense as The Hunger Games (which I was thankful for because too much constant tension is tiring to me as a reader), yet there was enough tension that the plot is driven forward (I felt Divergent didn’t always keep the plot moving forward as much as it could have). This book hit the right mix.

I have a lot on my summer reading list, but I do look forward to reading the rest of the series in the near future.

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How Matt Maher Impacted My Upcoming YA Novel

Wednesday night I had the extreme pleasure of seeing Matt Maher in concert, and it got me thinking about how I first became a Matt Maher fan and how his music played a role in my upcoming YA novel, Angelhood.

I can tell you almost the exact date I became a Matt Maher fan. It was late November of 2011. As part of National Novel Writing Month, I was working on my first draft of Angelhood. The beginning of the book had come very easily, but the ending was proving a bit more difficult. I knew basically how the story needed to end, but I didn’t know how to make all the pieces fit together.

On my drive to work one morning, I was mulling over the climatic scene and absentmindedly listening to K-Love on the radio. Suddenly, a line from a song struck me:

“‘Cause even in the dark, you can still see the light.”

And I thought, “Yes, that’s it! That’s exactly what I’m trying to say in my book!” I forgot about my plotting problems for a moment and focused in on the song:

“This is the first day
Of the rest of your life.
This is the first day
Of the rest of your life.
‘Cause even in the dark
You can still see the light.
It’s going to be alright.
It’s going to be alright.
And love will hold us together
Make us a shelter
To weather the storm
And I’ll be my brother’s keeper
So the whole world will know
That we’re not alone.”


I nearly started weeping in my car. This was exactly what I wanted the end of my story to say. If my book were a movie, this would be the song I’d want playing over the closing credits. Rather quickly, the ending of the story crystallized for me. I knew now how to make the pieces fit together. In fact, the whole idea of being able to see the light in the darkness made me add a new scene earlier in the book so that the ending would fit even better.

After work that day, I went home and, with only a few lyrics in memory, looked up the song. That’s when I learned the song was called “Hold Us Together” and was by Catholic musician Matt Maher. I was an instant fan.

Two years later, I got to see Matt in concert at a local church. The concert was fantastic. My friend and I got to sit in the fourth row. When the show was over, I was wondering if he’d come out for photos and autographs, but after hanging around for a bit and buying another CD, it didn’t seem like it was going to happen.

When I heard he was coming back in town, I gathered up a whole crew of friends to go. This time I decided to be a bit more proactive in my attempt to get a photo with him. After all, I’d just come back from pilgrimage in Rome and had my picture taken with four celebrities from the Catholic Channel (Lino Rulli, Fr. Rob, Fr. Dave, and Brett Siddell). I figured 2014 must be the year of the Catholic celeb photo for me. ๐Ÿ™‚

So I tweeted Matt Maher to see if he might be willing to take photos after the concert. Here’s our Twitter exchange:


Yeah, you can imagine my fangirl squeal when I got his response.

The night of the concert finally rolled around. It was a crazy busy day: summer school teaching, a meeting with my spiritual director, and then dashing across numerous suburbs to meet up with my friends.

After a quick dinner, we arrived at the church. The place was packed. The concert was awesome. I mean, blow-the-roof-off-the-place awesome. I mean, shake-your-soul-to-its-spiritual-core awesome.

IMG_1210When the encore ended, my friends turned to me. “So now what? Is he coming out?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. He just tweeted me a thumbs up.”

So we milled around the church for a bit, and then decided to take a photo of the five of us near the front. Slowly, the crowd began to thin out. A bunch of teens still milled around, and in the narthex, people were heading into a room where Matt’s CDs and t-shirts were being sold. After a while, my friend Katie decided to be brave and asked one of the roadies if he knew whether or not Matt was coming out. The roadie said to ask Kyle.

“Kyle?” my friend responded.

“Yeah, the guy who’s about to be a priest.”

Oh right. The seminarian who opened the concert with a prayer and by orchestrating the wave. So Katie and I head over to Almost-Father Kyle, and Katie repeated her question.

“Oh no, I don’t think he’s coming out,” said Almost-Father Kyle. “I think he’s getting right on his trailer.”

“But . . . ” I stammered. “But he tweeted me!” I held up my phone in proof.

Almost-Father Kyle shrugged. “Sorry. But I did get a hug from him before the show!” And with that, Almost-Father Kyle walked away before I had a chance to say, “Well, way to rub that in, Almost-Father Kyle! All I want is a photo and you got a hug!”

I was crestfallen. So that was it? No photo with Matt Maher???

“That was a good try, Amy,” my friends said.

“Yeah, you made a really good effort.”

What was I going to tell my spiritual director? She had made me promise I’d show her the picture of me and Matt next time I saw her.

My friends and I started to head out, but before we left, Katie said, “I want to buy a CD,” so we headed to the room where they were selling merchandise. Before we could even step up to the table, Katie nudged me and said, “Um, Amy, isn’t that him over there?”

Matt had just walked out of a side door, and a bunch of kids had rushed up to get his autograph. Well, I totally got my fangirl on then. While I’m pretty sure I didn’t knock over any old ladies to get in line, I wouldn’t entirely have put it past me. Only one adult guy got to Matt before I did. As the guy was talking to Matt, Katie offered to take the photo with my phone. The other friends and I set our purses down to the side as a long line quickly formed behind us.

When the other guy finally stopped talking and Matt turned to us, I got about as tongue-tied as my pilgrimage pal Lino Rulli gets whenever he meets a pope.

I was so excited that the whole thing’s a little fuzzy now, but I think I said, “Hi, can we get a picture? I’m the girl who tweeted you.”

Matt graciously obliged, and this photo was taken.


I look just a tad bit happy in this photo.

I know I thanked Matt for the photo, but it was one of my friends who had the good sense to say, “The concert was great.”

Oh, duh, yeah, I should say something about how great the show was. So I quickly spit out, “Yeah, it was awesome!” And then I was very conscious of the long line behind us and got out of the way without saying anything further to him!

Hello? How about telling him how much his music has meant to me? How about commiserating over trying to get into St. Peter’s Square for the Canonization Mass? (Lino had told me Matt ended up at the Colosseum. I ended up at Castel Sant’Angelo.)

So, Matt Maher, you may never find this little blog post of mine, but if you do, please know that your music has meant a great deal to me. This is the public thank you I wasn’t quite able to spit out when I met you. Call me star struck! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted in Angelhood, Uncategorized, Writing | 2 Comments

The Story Behind the Headshot

As my writing career has progressed and I’ve watched more and more author buddies get their headshots taken, I’ve enjoyed hearing about how their headshots came to be. I always assumed most writers had their headshots taken by professional photographers in a studio, like most actors do.

You can imagine my surprise by the number of authors I’ve met who have had theirs taken at parks, at writing conferences, or even in their own homes. While a good number have used professional photographers, I’ve learned that quite a few have used their husbands or siblings for photographers. And some brave souls have even done selfies!

When my book Angelhood was accepted this spring, I knew I’d need a real headshot. Not one for selfies, I figured I’d use a professional photographer; however, I signed my contract just before leaving for a pilgrimage to Rome. Things got busy with last minute packing, and I realized finding a photographer would have to wait until after Rome.

As part of the pilgrimage group I was on, we made an overnight trip to Assisi. As a few of us rambled through the tiny hillside town, my roommate (who had a really nice camera with her) stopped to take a photo of a very picturesque little street. It was really more of a narrow alley with a beautiful view of the valley below.

On my pilgrimage group was a guy we’ll call Armando (not sure if he wants his real name used). Armando enjoyed stealing borrowing my roommate’s camera to take pictures. He decided to “borrow” her camera and take her photo in front of this picturesque street. In fact, he ended up taking pictures of several of us in front of that beautiful view, and it turns out Armando’s a good photographer!

Headshot 3Unfortunately, I had my sunglasses on for the photo. Not really the look you’re going for in an author headshot. When I mentioned my regret about leaving the sunglasses on a couple days later, Armando told me we’d try again.

The chance came the next day. We were waiting outside the Scala Santa in Rome across the street from St. John Lateran Church. Armando recognized an opportunity, and he fired off a couple more shots.

Headshot 1Headshot 2

After sharing these three choices on Facebook and asking for people’s votes, I went with the one on the left. It might not be my all-time favorite photo of me, but there are several things about it I like.

  1. The coloring’s nice. Not quite as pretty as the Assisi one, but still nice.
  2. It’s in front of a church, and not just any church. Engraved in Latin on the front of the church is the phrase “The Mother of all churches.” It is the home church for the Bishop of Rome (a.k.a. the Pope).
  3. If you look closely, you’ll see I’m wearing two necklaces of importance to me. One is a cross that I received as a gift from my students at my last Catholic school. The other is a guardian angel necklace that I bought in Rome on the day of the Canonization Mass of St. John Paul II and St. John XXIII. Engraved on the necklace in tiny script is the Italian version of the guardian angel prayer. Pretty appropriate since my upcoming YA book is about guardian angels!

Have you ever had a headshot taken? Where was it done? Did you hire a professional?

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Updates on Angelhood

In case you don’t follow me on Facebook and Twitter (and why wouldn’t you?), here’s the latest news on my upcoming debut novel!

  • Angelhood is set to be published on April 30, 2015. Mark your calendars!
  • My publisher (Vinspire Publishing) has updated its website. I love the new look! Check it out here.
  • The new website also has my author bio and my new head shot. You can see them here. I’ve got to admit it’s pretty exciting to have my own “author page” on a publisher’s website. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Last but not least, I’ve always loved hearing about how authors get their head shots, so I’ll tell you the story of mine in an upcoming post. Stay tuned!

Headshot 1

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Big news!!!

Today I’m pleased to announce that I have signed a book contract with Vinspire Publishing! They will be publishing my debut young adult novel. I’ve dreamed of this day for so long that I think I’m still in shock that it’s actually happening.

The past few months have been very hectic as I’ve read over the contract details while preparing for a pilgrimage to Rome and somehow making lesson plans for the days I’ll be gone.

Still a lot left to do before my trip, so you’ll just have to stay tuned for more details on my upcoming book!

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Monday Book Review: One Came Home by Amy Timberlake

This is the third in my series of reviews of the nominees for best juvenile mystery for the 2014 Edgar Awards, and so far it’s looking like a top contender.

One Came HomeTitle: One Came Home

Author: Amy Timberlake

Genre: mystery (historical)

Age group: upper middle grade

Synopsis: In 1871, Georgie Burkhardt has plans for one day running her grandfather’s store with her older sister Agatha, but those plans take a turn when Agatha disappears.ย  It happens after a thunderous flock of pigeons invades their small town in Wisconsin, using it as a nesting place. Agatha has two local men interested in her, but she suddenly leaves one day with a group of “pigeoners” who are out to hunt the birds and follow them wherever they nest. Days later, the sheriff returns to town with an unidentifiable body dressed in Agatha’s blue gown. Everyone assumes the worst except for Georgie. She’s convinced her sister’s still out there, but can she find her before it’s too late?

I’ll fully admit to being envious of those writers who can create an authentic voice for a character in a historical piece, and Amy Timberlake does just that. Georgie is a full-fledged, gun-wielding tomboy of the late nineteenth century. Her narrator voice sweeps us up in her search for her sister.

I also admired how Timberlake creates suspense without being flashy or overly dramatic. I found myself reading late into the night and yet wondering how I could be so invested in a book where “little happened.” This isn’t an action-packed book, yet I found myself caught up in theย  mystery of what happened to Agatha and what would happen to Georgie. I think part of the suspense-building is due to the way Timberlake works the pigeons into the story. They are a dramatic part of the setting of this story, and their presence is based on the fact that in 1871 south-central Wisconsin was home to the largest nesting of passenger pigeons ever. Of course, one can’t help but think of the Hitchcock movie The Birds, and then you get a sense of how intimidating a giant flock of birds can be.

This is only the third of the Edgar nominees for best juvenile mystery I’ve read so far. It’s been a busy spring, but I hope to finish off the rest of the nominees before the awards next month!

Posted in Book Reviews, Edgar Nominee, Historical, Mysteries | 1 Comment

Monday Book Review: Saving Yesterday by Jessica Keller

When I first met Jessica Keller at an ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) meeting, I learned that she wrote adult Christian fiction. What I didn’t know right away was that she had a YA book in the works. When the book was released last month, I jumped at the chance to snatch a copy so that I could share it with all of you.

Saving YesterdayTitle: Saving Yesterday

Author: Jessica Keller

Genre: Speculative fiction (I love that in the dedication she thanks her dad and brother for making her watch Star Trek and all those sci-fi shows.)

Age group: YA

Synopsis: Gabby Creed never knew her mother, and she’s been forced to act like a parent to her alcoholic father. However, on her seventeenth birthday, her life is really turned upside-down. A bracelet mysteriously appears on her wrist, and she is sucked back into time. She finds herself during the Civil War with a boy who can also time travel. Eventually, she learns that they are both Shifters, time travelers who switch time periods at the whim of a man known only as Nicholas. When they time travel, Shifters are expected to protect humans and their history. But that’s not easy to do when the Shades (creepy creatures with melting faces) want to feed off human despair and capture Gabby for their own evil purposes.

As I mentioned on Facebook yesterday, I figured Jessica Keller and I were kindred spirits when she mentioned things like Anne of Green Gables, Jane Austen novels, and having to take away someone’s nerd card when they confused Star Wars and Star Trek. (No problem for me there. While Jessica only has one brother, I have four brothers to indoctrinate teach me in the ways of the Force, show me how to give a Vulcan salute, and know not to confuse the two!) However, after reading Saving Yesterday, I’m absolutely sure we’re kindred spirits.

The book moves at a great pace, the characters are sympathetic, and the plot is intriguing. Even though we lost an hour of sleep Saturday night, I stayed up late to finish! Saving Yesterday is the start of a series, and I’m looking forward to the next installment.

Parents of teens: No need to worry about inappropriate language and such here.

While Jessica is an author of Christian fiction, there is no overtly Christian talk in this book. However, it’s a “safe read,” and there are definitely some Christian themes running through it.

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Monday Book Review: The Thief by Stephanie Landsem

I’m taking a break from reading the 2014 Edgar Award nominees to bring you a great Biblical fiction book just perfect for some fun Lenten reading! That’s right, I said, “fun Lenten reading.” Don’t think it’s possible? Check out Stephanie Landsem’s The Thief.

The ThiefTitle: The Thief

Author: Stephanie Landsem

Genre: Biblical fiction

Synopsis: With a father addicted to gambling and a mother addicted to wine, Nissa survives the only way she knows how, with the help of a talented thief named Mouse. Without Mouse’s help, Nissa and her blind brother Cedron would starve. However, getting help from Mouse gets complicated when Mouse is nearly caught by Longinus, a Roman centurion who wants nothing more than to catch the little thief who escaped him. Meanwhile, rumors spread around Jerusalem about a new teacher who can heal. When this new prophet brings sight back to Cedron, Nissa hopes to find a new way to survive, but the miracle of Cedron’s sight only brings further problems as tension mounts in Jerusalem over this new prophet.

As you can probably guess, the prophet/healer is Jesus, and Landsem expertly works in various Bible stories leading up to and including the passion and death of Christ. What I liked about The Thief even more than The Well (the first book in the Living Waters series) is how many different Biblical stories Landsem is able to weave into one narrative. It’s fun to see familiar Gospel stories fleshed out and pieced together in surprising ways. Like she did in The Well, Landsem has a way of introducing you to a character and only later do you realize you “know” that character from a Bible story. For example, when you first meet Cedron, you might not realize he’s the one who will have his eyes covered in mud and then told by Jesus to go wash in the Pool of Siloam. You’ll have to read the rest of The Thief to find out what other Biblical figures appear!

For me, one of the most surprising parts of the story was how much it helped me picture the political tensions of the time. In school, they taught us about how the Pharisees believed Jesus was just another trickster and how the Zealots wanted a real revolution, but seeing that tension depicted in a story made it so much clearer to me.

So if you’re looking for a new way to get into the passion narrative this Lent, pick up Stephanie Landsem’s The Well. It goes on sale tomorrow!

Visit Stephanie Landsem online here.

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Monday Book Review: Strike Three You’re Dead by Josh Berk

I grew up with four brothers, and that meant summers spent either watching the Cubs on TV or playing ball out in the yard. So I was excited to read the middle grade baseball mystery Strike Three You’re Dead.

IMG_4252Title: Strike Three You’re Dead

Author: Josh Berk

Genre: mystery

Age group: middle grade

Synopsis: Baseball fan Lennie Norbeck dreams of one day being the announcer for the Phillies. After winning a contest, Lennie gets the chance to announce one inning at a game, but his dream is cut short when a new pitcher mysteriously dies on the field in the middle of the game. Lennie and his friends (the two Mikes) decide to investigate the case.

I would recommend this mystery to kids who enjoy baseball. As an avid mystery fan, I was able to guess “whodunit” well before Lennie did, but I enjoyed the twists and turns in the story along the way, and I think most middle schoolers would be surprised by the ending.

Another thing I think middle schoolers would enjoy is the voice in this story. Lennie definitely sounds like a preteen, and Berk’s characterization of his two best friends (affectionately known as Mike and Other Mike) are spot on for middle school boys.

One note for parents: because this is written from the perspective of a middle school boy, you can imagine that he views his parents as being rather stupid (despite the fact that they’re both doctors) and embarrassing. In other words, typical middle school perspective; however, I know that bothers some parents, so I thought I’d mention it.

This is my second review for the Edgar Award for best juvenile mystery. To read my first review, click here.

Posted in Book Reviews, Mysteries | 1 Comment

Monday Book Review: P.K. Pinkerton and the Petrified Man by Caroline Lawrence

It’s time to start reviewing this year’s nominees for the Edgar Award for best juvenile mystery! First one up is a historical mystery that takes place in the Nevada Territory during the time of the Civil War.

IMG_4251Title: P.K. Pinkerton and the Petrified Man

Subject: Caroline Lawrence

Genre: mystery

Age group: middle grade

Synopsis: Twelve-year-old P.K Pinkerton has just opened his own detective agency in Virginia City (Nevada Territory). A young former slave girl asks for his protection. Last night, she witnessed the murder of her mistress Short Sally, a local “Soiled Dove” (prostitute). Now she’s worried the murderer is after her to keep her quiet. P.K., with his autistic-style “eccentricities,” decides to take on the case.

Ms. Lawrence creates a great voice for the character of P.K. Pinkerton. Although the word autism is never used, any teacher familiar with some of the common traits of autism would be quick to catch on. P.K. has trouble reading people’s facial expressions, and he always tells the truth to the point of being blunt.

I also enjoyed some of the historical aspects of the story, from the references to the far-off Civil War to the inclusion of Sam Clemens (a.k.a. Mark Twain).

Many of the parents who read this blog want to know about age appropriateness, so I’ll reveal that the swear words are fairly PG. Since we’re dealing with the “wild west,” you’d expect a lot of the adult males to curse. “Hell” is written as “h-ll” and “damn” is written as “dam.” Any further swearing by adults is simply described by P.K. as “profanities unfit for publication.”

Some parents may also be concerned about the fact that the murder victim is a prostitute. The word prostitute is never used in the book. Instead, the women are described as “Soiled Doves” who accept “Gentleman Callers.” Parents will have to decide how comfortable they are with that.

As a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, I always find it interesting when “secular” books include the Christian faith. P.K. describes himself as “50% Lakota Indian but 100% Methodist.” The Methodist minister in the book is painted in a favorable light, and P.K. does resort to prayer on several occasions in the book. The inclusion of his faith was woven rather seamlessly into the story and seems historically appropriate for the time. (Side note: I can’t imagine trying to be a Christian minister during a time and place where such lawlessness prevailed. They had their work cut out for them!)

Overall, I enjoyed the mystery. The chapters are short, and Ms. Lawrence does a great job of leaving little cliff hangers at the end of each chapter.

Will it win the Edgar Award for Best Juvenile Mystery?ย  I don’t know. I’ve got several more nominees left to read!

Posted in Book Reviews, Edgar Nominee, Mysteries | 4 Comments